Rules of the harbor for non-commercial small, recreational and sports boats in Svenceli

1. General provisions

1.1. The rules for the use of the port of Svencelė for non-commercial small, recreational and sports boats (hereinafter - the Rules) regulate the procedure and requirements for the entry of ships to the port of Svencelė for non-commercial small, recreational and sports boats (hereinafter - the port), mooring, parking at the quays, departure from the port, as well as determines the procedure for the use of the land (territory) and water area of ​​the port, fire prevention and environmental protection measures.

1.2. Port managers or persons appointed by them are responsible for the control of the port water area and the control of ensuring safe shipping, according to the managed territories, in Appendix No. 1. The decisions of the port manager or his designated person regarding the implementation of these Rules are binding and must be implemented immediately.

1.3. These Rules are binding on all physical and legal persons present and operating in the port and are valid throughout the port territory  and in the water area.

1.4. Legal and natural persons keeping ships in the port territory and water area must comply with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania on labor and safety at work and other normative acts related to these issues. The ship's captain, the port land user, is responsible for the safe parking of ships at the quays. The port land user, his authorized persons and ship owners are responsible for safe work in the port territory leased by the port land user.

1.5. The terms used in these Rules are understood as they are defined in the Inland Water Transport Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Safe Navigation Law of the Republic of Lithuania, the European Rules of Inland Waterway Navigation and other legal acts.

1.6. Any activities and actions in the port territory or water area can be carried out only in strict accordance with the legal acts and, if necessary, with all necessary permits for the performance of such activities or actions.

2. The procedure for keeping ships in the port and in the port area

2.1. Owners of all ships keeping ships in the port's water area or territory, or arriving at the port and wishing to use the mooring place, must enter into an agreement with the port manager of the relevant part (hereinafter referred to as the Manager ) by submitting the ship's registration ticket and an identity document.

2.2. The ship's registration number or ship's name must be written on the ship's sides and ship's keel blocks.

2.3. Ships kept in the water area and territory of the port and ships temporarily moored in the port are taxed according to the rates set by the Manager.

2.4. After signing the contract, the berthing places for ships (in the water and on the shore) are determined by the port manager or a person appointed by him.

2.5. Ships may dock side by side only with the permission of the port manager or his designee and with the consent of the captains of those ships.

2.6. Ships must keep the outboard discharge valves closed and sealed after arriving in port. Upon noticing water pollution, the ship's captain must inform the port manager or his designated person about it.

3. The procedure for the arrival and departure of ships from the port

3.1. Vessels sailing in the harbor area and in the Curonian Lagoon must comply with the rules for sailing in inland waters.

3.2. In the entire port area and when entering or leaving the port, ships must exercise caution, the speed of the ship must be such that it allows the ship to steer safely and not cause waves. In the whole territory of the port, a maximum speed of 5 km/h is set. speed.

3.3. For ships arriving at the port, the mooring place is indicated by the port manager or a person appointed by him.

3.4. Captains of arriving and departing ships must complete the entry and exit registration procedure with the port manager or his designee (is this required?)

3.5. Only properly maintained mooring devices and ropes must be used for mooring ships.

3.6. Docked ships must tie enough cleats (in any case not less than two) to each side to protect their own and adjacent ships and quays.

3.7. About any incident or accident that does not ensure safe navigation, such as malfunctions that could affect the maneuverability of the ship  or suitability for navigation, or about violations of the propulsion or steering system, power generation system, navigation or communication equipment, violations of the quay during mooring and about cases of pollution of the port water area from the ship, the master of the ship must immediately notify the port manager or the person appointed by him.

3.8. The organizers must notify the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration and the port manager or a person appointed by him about the organized recreational, sports boat or yacht competitions, regattas and other celebrations in the Curonian Lagoon two weeks in advance. In order to organize pleasure, sports boats or yacht competitions, regattas and other celebrations within the port's water area, it is mandatory to obtain the written permission of the port manager or his designated persons in advance.

3.9. Shipowners engaged in commercial activities (tourist shipping, accommodation services, etc.) must submit a copy of the ship's civil liability insurance policy to the port manager or a person appointed by him . Without ship civil liability insurance, commercial activity in the port area is prohibited.

4. The following is prohibited in the port territory and water area:

4.1. pollute the quayside and water area with oil products, garbage or waste. Garbage and food waste can be kept on board for no longer than 2 days in closed and marked containers;

4.2. pollute the air with smoke and harmful gases, the concentration of which exceeds the permissible norms;

4.3. keep open and unsealed drain and oil-contaminated water valves;

4.4. conduct operations with oil products without an entry in the ship's oil operations logbook, as well as operations with harmful substances without an entry in the ship's logbook;

4.5. discharge contaminated water through the ship's chutes or pump out contaminated ballast;

4.6. liquidate pollutants around the ship by the crew, without notifying the port manager or the person appointed by him ;

4.7. cover up any discharge of pollutants overboard;

4.8. swimming, fishing and rowing boats, water bikes or motorbikes;

4.9. mooring in places not designated for that purpose;

4.10. damage hydrotechnical and navigation devices, attach mooring ropes to their parts or to devices not intended for that purpose;

4.11. use UTB communication channels 9, 10, 16, 71, 72 and other frequencies used in accordance with the valid licenses issued by the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania for conversations not related to shipping;

4.12. disable, relocate any navigation devices or change their characteristics;

4.13. to illuminate passing ships in the dark;

4.14. commanding or leading a ship while intoxicated or under the influence of psychoactive substances (drugs, medicines);

4.15. perform underwater, diver work without the knowledge of the harbor master;

4.16. raising and setting up vessels for repair or other purposes without the knowledge of the harbor master.

5. Fire safety requirements.

5.1. Fire safety in the port and on ships in the port is guaranteed by strict implementation of fire safety regulations.

5.2. All ships arriving at the port must have fire-fighting devices, systems and primary means for extinguishing fires in technical order.

5.3. The port manager or the person appointed by him , the user of the port territory or any person in the port who notices the source of the fire must immediately notify the Klaipėda district fire service by phone or other means about the location of the fire and take measures to liquidate it.

5.4. When refueling vessels, all precautions must be taken to avoid the risk of fire.

5.5. It is prohibited to:

5.5.1. use open fire without the knowledge of the port manager or his designee ;

5.5.2. use fire-fighting equipment for purposes other than their intended purpose;

5.5.3. store pyrotechnics on ships in places not intended for that purpose;

5.5.4. use pyrotechnic signaling devices outside of their intended purpose;

5.5.5. to operate ships when their fire-fighting equipment does not meet the requirements set by the classification society.

6. Environmental protection requirements.

6.1. All persons present and operating in the port must strictly comply with all requirements of the Republic of Lithuania and international legal acts regulating environmental protection.

6.2. The port land, water area and its bottom must be clean so that their condition meets environmental protection requirements.

6.3. Documentation related to environmental protection of ships in port must always be ready for submission to persons with control rights.

6.4. Port land and water area are maintained by port users in accordance with all environmental protection requirements.

6.5. It is forbidden to throw or pour any substances into the water in the port.

6.6. The polluter or the ship owner is responsible for the pollution of the port and water area by oil products.

6.7. In order to avoid pollution of the water area, any works on the ship (plating, hull painting, washing of decks and other parts of the ship) and ship repairs are carried out using all necessary measures to protect the port area from pollution.

7. Liability

7.1. Shipowners who do not comply with these Rules may be issued with a warning and the contract may be unilaterally terminated by the Manager's decision.

7.2. Legal or natural persons who violate the requirements of these Rules, depending on the nature and consequences of the violation, are subject to disciplinary, administrative, material or criminal liability in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts.

7.3. The owner of the ship is liable for damages caused to him or his ship to the port or any property in the port. The manager has the right to transfer information about the ship owner's actions to the law enforcement authorities.

7.4. The manager is not responsible for any damage to the ship and/or other property of the ship owner caused by weather conditions, ship maneuvering in the port, accidents and/or collisions with other ships, other incidents and events both in the port area and on the quays, except in cases where such the damage is caused by the direct actions of the Manager's employees.